Monday, September 28, 2009



I'm Steph. i'm writing this because i have very little else to do during the holidays and so i am releasing my thoughts through text onto the internet for all to behold. if you dislike beholding thoughts of any kind this would not be a place for you to find enjoyment. if you don't like teenagers then you probably won't like this either. if in fact you do like those two things you might find this a less than painful experience and might wish to continue. (p.s. i would like that)

Tonight i don't have any particularly interesting things to say. i'm only really writing this because i know that if i don't start now i will've forgotten by the morning and will never return. so here we go, let's lauch ourselves into this world with some useless blabber.

Well, OK, i do have a real-er reason for starting this. i've started writing a novel. it's not the first novel i've written (tried to write is more acurate) but this is one i'm very fond of. the thing is i always get halfway through writting and loose my enthusiasm. i think that if somebody else was reading it as i wrote it and was waiting for the next part i'd have more motivation to keep going. i'm not going to put any of it into this blog entry because i obviously have no readers yet and putting it here isn't any different to putting it in a word document at the moment. we'll get to it later.

That's all for now. i'll be in touch. i fell like an idiot for typing conversational things to a computer. goodbye.


p.s. i like comments. can we do that here? if we can please do.

p.p.s. be nice to me.

1 comment:

  1. ILYLABF this is tres awesome:)and coolio:)
    alice xx
