Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fictitious Fun

Good morning to all,

This morning when i woke up my brain said "hey steph, you should write some cool type of story for your blog. you did say you liked writing maybe people can comment on your wrting style." and i said "thanks brain, you really are quite helpful." so now i am going to write some sort of fictional story for your reading pleasure.

i haven't actually decided what i'm going to write yet, if it all turns out a mess i'm sorry. here we go.... write!

flowers grew on the paths edges. they were packed in so tightly i thought they were going to explode out onto the path at any moment, then i would trip and fall and the day would be ruined. i would look like a complete cluts. i was thinking all this, yes, but i have no idea how i found the time. Callum had his arm around me. i thought my brain had stopped working until it started to babble about flowers, funny what you think about when something major is happening.

i'd just run into him the night before at the park. it wasn't what you'd call a fantastic reunion. as soon as my dog, who i was walking at the time, saw another person she pulled towards them. she pulled so hard that i flew over to him and then staright into him. it'd been three years since i'd seen callum, this was not how i imagined us meeting again.

he laughed it off, he always was good like that, never let anything bother him. it was part of his charm, you know the irrisistable one. he'd grown a good foot since i'd seen him and now, instead of his old skinny body, he was muscular and fit. i'd liked him before all this but who would say no if someone offered them the guy they like but way better looking?

he'd said hi. we talked about school, things we remembered, then he asked me to go out with him tomorrow... today... the day after we ran into each other.

right, now we're walking along this path. it down the road from his parents house, he lived on a farm so the only things around here are a couple of old farm sheds and little houses sparesly distributed through the big green hills.

and he was holding my hand. and i was holding his back. and we were walking together, just casually down the dirt road. the last thing i felt was casual.

"Holly," he turned to me and grabbed my other hand "would you like to have dinner with me? in the field i mean, we can get some chicken or something."

YES! my brain screamed at me, it could be very loud when it felt like it. i did want to stay, the only problem was my brother. i had to babysit him. "maybe another time." i heard the words come out of my mouth before i'd completely decided. i knew i had to babysit but this offer was making me want to "forget". at least my brain knew what was right in the end "i have to look after my little brother because my mum's out tonight."

"alright, i'll give you a ring some time." he smiled. he does have a lovely smile.

we both got into his car then and he drove me back to my house. he waved to me as i walked in through the door and i waved back. then he drove away. i hoped with every part of me that he would call. soon preferably. i missed him already.

well there's some story for you. i'm not sure if i'll continue with it or not. let me know what you think. if you want more, i'll write it.

today's question: who is your favourite muscian? (i know it's random but i needed a question)

Thank you for reading :) talk to you soon



  1. my favourite musician? mmm i have lots
    Regina Spektor, Lady Danville, Lily Allen (don't hate me), Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson, Missy Higgins,She & him- random mixture- I'm weird:) cool story- based on fact or fiction?
    alice xx

  2. oooh I love Tom Milsom and Chameleon Circuit... of course! sorry for polluting your awesomeness with me-crap:(

  3. Bedododo!
    Charmeleon Circuit
    Tom Milsom
    Alex Day
    Charlie McDonnell?
    Stephanie George

    Usagi :]

  4. haha yeah i love pretty much everyone you guys like too. yay. umm the story was made up on the spot alice. how do you expect it to be fact? well.. my dog would do that.
