Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some Notes on Various Topics (including a book and some awesome)

hello all,

the last few days my brain kept saying "i've done quite a bit recently, i should write a blog about it" but now i have decided against it.

the reason for this is that i already have a diary thing. it is a real one that i can hold in my hands and it has my actual handwriting it in and i have all sorts of awesome stuff stuck in there. i don't want to write another one here because it means i may stop writing there.

the thing i will use this for is books and writing and music and things in my brain and not so much things in my life. you may not see the distinction but i do and really it doesn't matter so much if you don't see it.

let's move into the books and thoughts stuff. ok so i have this friend called alex. i think she is really cool and stuff and yay! she sent me an email about my last post on here and said she loved my writing and was jealous of me, it was someting along those lines and it made me very happy. my brain was like "ahhh she thinks i'm cool, she's so cool, ahhhh!". this brings me to my book reference: Paper Towns by John Green.

it goes like this.. kinda:

Quentin Jacobsen - Q to his friends- is eighteen and has always loved the edgy Margo Roth Spiegelman. As children, they′d discovered a dead body together. Now at high school, Q′s nerdy while Margo is uber-cool.
One night, Q is basking in the predictable boringness of his life when Margo, dressed as a ninja, persuades him to partake in several hours of mayhem. Then she vanishes. While her family shrugs off this latest disappearance, Q follows Margo′s string of elaborate clues - including a poem about death.
Q′s friends, Radar, Ben and Lacey, help with the search, 
and a post turns up on a website: Margo will be in a 
certain location for the next 24 hours only. The race is on!
After an epic drive through the night, they catch up 
with Margo, and Q learns first-hand that the way you 
think about a person isn′t the way they actually are

the relivance of this book is only noticable if you've heard him talk about the themes and such. the idea is that Q doesn't see the way Margo really is, he idolises her and makes up a person as a reflection of himself that he thinks is her. the word Speigelman actually mean mirror maker in some language, i can't remember which. so Margo is seen by everyone as a fun house mirror reflection of themselves, each characters sees her differently.

i think idolise alex, all of my friends actually. it's hard to imagine somebody else the way you imagine yourself. you might see yourself as smart but not too intellegent and kind of good at sport, you're a little of overweight but a nice person and people should like you because you make funny jokes and can cook really well. others might just see that you're smart or that you're fat or they could idolise you and just think that you're really good at cooking and can play sport and are smart and think you're the coolest person ever. it's hard to see every aspect of a person, put their good and bad qualities together and create a whole because you're not living in their heads.

so yeah, i get excited when i see that someone i like said my work is good or if someone i idolise is talking to me on msn it makes me happy but i'm try to see people as people and i don't think a little bit of mis-imagining will hurt anyone, as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

there is a blog for you. please read paper towns and stuff, yay, end. byebye,



  1. Hey Steph.
    I idolise you too! I idolise you all.
    I like this blog post. It makes me seem cooler than I actually am, so thank you.
    We all really can't truly know one another, because we don't think the things they think, and see life in the exact same way as that person can. Inter-connectedness! I'm so glad we went to go see John talk.

  2. haha yeah i know i'm so idolisingy. you are really cool though. i love john green.

  3. :D you are my idol stephy
    alice xx
