Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wahoo, Easter

Firstly, Sydney. I got stuff :D Namely three mannga and a comic book, a dress, some pants, two pairs and shorts and some thongs. We went to my sister's diving comp and DFO and Bondi and the Bridge the Easter fair.

Speaking of Easter, Happy Easter. Today was pretty boring for me because I was at my auntie's house and had nothing to do. Also I was really tired because last night I was up late watching Lucky Star, I forgot it was Easter.

Tomorrow I get to wake up at the ungodly hour of 5am to go to the ANZAC day dawn service. It also happens to be my mum's birthday, so I feel pretty sorry for her getting up so early. And to top it off for the rest of the day we're driving to Mansfeild to look at a horse to buy for me.

Good times. Want more holidays. Haven't started homework. Need to clean room. Want to watch more anime. Want more sleep.

At this point of the holidays, especially after first term, I always feel like I would rather die than go back to school. I really can't be bothered being smart or hard working. Why can't I just fail everything and nobody care. And while we'reat it why can't I have millions of dollars for nothing.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


Oh I fail at blgging often.

But give me a break, i'm in Sydney and my dad doesn't like to buy internet codes from our hotel.

Today I:

swam at bondi
got a dress
drank lindt hot chocoalte
got three manga and a book
got very sleepy.

Yeah, I'm tired.

More blogging when I'm back


Sunday, April 17, 2011


BLODA two, I think we can already see why I didn't do BEDA. I missed at least one day... in the holidays the days melt together.

I did have a list of ideas of blog topics. The only problem with that is that I wrote the list when I was sad and angsty and I've actually had quite a nice day so I'm not in the mood to write about my angst.

Instead I shall write about lists.

I quite like lists. They're really good for me because I forget things easily and think things constantly. I have been known to wake up in the middle of the night and write lists of things to remember on my hand without turning on the light. Needless to say they make little sense. I even wrote a list last night about the things I should do today. It looked like this:

Things For Tomorrow
- organise H/W - pack it - get some done
- pack clothes etc.
- pop goes punk - or something + music
- midoka - download anime, gintama? BRS? Hetalia?
- blog
- FF, dA

To clarify, I'm packing because I leave for Sydney tomorrow and have to do my homework while there.
Pop goes punk is a CD and I wanted to get some music for the trip.
Madoka is an anime my friends keeping talking about so i was going to look it up.
Blog is... uhh this.
FF= Fanfiction, I was ganna write some, dA= Deviantart, I'm always on there.

This typing really fails to capture the thing I love about my lists which is the format. I always have bits coming off my dot points and weird squiggly lines that I make up a meaning for. It just works really well for my brain because it's an expression of the thoughts that come from my brain. Pure brilliance :P

If you're wondering I did organise my books but I didn't do any packing (we don't leave until 3 tomorrow anyway). I got heaps of new music and organised the folders and playlists. I looked up Madoka but didn't download any anime, I did get a myanimelist ( ) account though. I am writing a blog and I checked dA all day. I haven't written FF yet but plan to after writing this (Want to read my FF? ).

So lists. They are good. If you like lists then you might like this video:

Or this blog, they post people's lists:

That's right, I have list resources. Lists are helpful things :D

End List Blog

Thursday, April 14, 2011

BLODA - A stolen concept

Days in

Yeah, It's an idea stolen from meekakitty only she's doing it in vlogs. It's basically the cheaters way of doing BEDA. I'm mainly doing it because I'm going slightly crazy alone in my house and want someone to talk to. I realise that there will probably never be anyone reading this but for the purposes of my own self esteem and ease of writing I will pretend I have an infinite amount of readers bursting to know every tiny thought that passes through my head. If you are a person and you do happen to be reading this I will try to be witty and insightful for your benefit.

Onto my first blog: An Annoying Teenager being Emotional

This year I started year 11 and while I'm coompletely happy with all of my subjects I can't help but miss the core classes that I used to have. We used to have a class that we were with for at least a few classes that meant we got to bond and understand class dynamic and for me it meant being with my friends.

This year I do different subjects to my friends because I do lots more sciencey things and my friends do more design subjects. I do see my friends of course my there's only one friend (close friend) who's in any of my classes at all. Lately I've been feeling very cut off from them all. I feel like the only person I talk to anymore is the friend i have classes with and when I talk to my other friends I fell as if I have to get her to pass messages because I don't see them.

In a way I feel disconnected from all of them because they spend so much more time with each other than with me that when I do get the chance to talk to them I usually end up lost in jokes I missed and continued conversations I never heard the begginning of. I have friends in all of my classes.

I could easily move into their groups. But i want to stay with the friends I have now. I really love my friends.

Being connected means a lot to me and losing it is kind of killing me.

So, YAY for slightly depressing first post in ages, let's hope I clear it up. I feel better just expressing it anyway. There's plently more of that kind of crap in my head so if you want more you're in luck.

Until next time, probably soon.