Thursday, December 17, 2009



so this is what i've been doing recently:

- i built a fort, i don't know if i said this before but it is effing awesome. it covers almost my whole room and i'm not taking it down until alex comes over and sees it. it's been there for nearly a week :D

- i started making myself a calender. i mean i made it on the computer, then i tried to print it out and we ran out of ink. then dad replaced the ink. then we ran out of a different colour, then i tried to replace it, now the printer doesn't work. only part of my calender has been printed. but it's fricken awesome anyway.

- started making things for my friends, decided they were shit and i should do something else. they took me about 5 hours.

- planned plans*

- sat on my bottoom doing absolutely nothing for a very very long time.

- reading, but not the much coz my elbows hurt.. yeah it sucks.

- ate food

- started a new pokemon game on sapphire

- wrote lists. sooooo many. like, things i want for christmas, cds i have, teddy's name's, things i own, words in the dictionary, things i've been doing, seriously i'm sad...

i think i really need something new to do. this was pretty much just a blog about me having a relaxing but, at times, sad life**.

if anyone has ideas on what i could make my friends for christmas that would be nice. :)


*this is where is starts to go downhill... you thought i was ganna tell you my plans didn't you? haha no.

**yeah... i've watched both Ellen and Oprah for three or four days in a row. that's the definition of sad

I Love Christmas

hey... look at the title and guess what this is about

that's right CHRISTMAS! i realised tonight while looking for more things i want for christmas that i haven't actually written a blog about it yet. while i am constantly bored at the moment, i won't be when it gets closer to christmas so i thought i'd right this while i still had the time and could still be bothered.

here's the thing, i really really like christmas. i'd actually never realised it before this year but a few weeks ago i was like "OMFG* I EFFING LOVE CHRISTMAS!" so yeah, i really love christmas, here are my newly discovered reasons why:

1. you get stuff- i really love presents and my parents always get me good ones
2. you get time off school for it
3. the weather is good- i love sun and summer
4. there's some pretty amazing food
^ok so that's my shallow reasons^
5. there's cheer everywhere, people are happier- i like happy, a lot
6. i get to see all of my family members- i don't see them a lot
7. i get to give stuff to people and see their faces when they get it- i love happy
8. i get to make things for others- i love making plus ^

ok so i know some people say "oh the spirit of christmas is not about getting things , it's about giving and family blah blah blah**" but i think that getting things and all the other stuff just adds to the happiness of christmas and i love happiness especially in amongst all the other peices of awesome.

so what does everyone like about christmas? what are your favourite things? is there anything you dislike?

the only thing i dislike is the stress that parents seem to become overwhelmed with.. i don't get it personally.

i'm done now :) merry christmas

p.s. did i ever tell you i can recite the whole of "the night before christmas".. well i can and it's awesome

* i only use the shortening because i don't like to swear

** yes, the quote includes blah blah.. *cough*

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Church, Religion, WHAT?


so last night i went to church for my cousins graduation. like, real church, with responses and kneeling and eating weird bread. i used to go to church-y things like that all the time when i was in primary school (it was a cathlic school) i even went up the front and read readings and got responses.

see i'm technically christian, i've been confirmed. i've had my first eucherist (if that's how you spell it) and all that stuff but it'd been so long that i'd forgotten it all. i knew you had to do the sign of the cross at some point at the start and then at the end* but i didn't know exactly when, i knew you had to say something after you got the weird bread stuff, but i didn't know what. i ended up just feeling really awkward.

i don't even know what i believe, which made it worse because most of the responses include saying amen which means "i believe". i'd also forgotten how... preechy church can be. i'm used to when i hear things from the bible at school they're translated to give messages that can actually apply but in church thay were just saying god is great let's all give him praise for some reason.

it just seemed weird to me, and weird how much i'd forgotten, and weird hoe much i remembered and just weird that i was there.

that's all.

you can let me know your thoughts if you like.

* when i was younger we had to say prayers everyday at school and i thought doing the sign of the cross started the prayer and doing it again stopped it and if you didn't stop the prayer everything you said, did or thought went straight to god. i was a bit paranoid about it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

i just got a formspring (thing where you ask me questions) Ask me anything it's cool

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Strange Stuff

i said my blogs would be shorter now. and they are. this one will be extremely short, it's just something weird that i think about sometimes.

sometimes (eg. when i watch youtube videos about people travelling or doing grown up stuff) i feel really young and like it will be ages until i can do anything, that my life will be way too long, that i'm ganna get bored with it.

other times (when i think of all the things i wanna do) i feel like there will never be enough time to do anything. that i'm going to die way too soon and i will have missed out on so much.mi feel like i should get up and start doing things now, while i can.

i dunno maybe it's a common thing to think, maybe i just think too much... the only thing i can find common between the two is that school is annoying. but we already knew that so no big deal.

the end.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Feeding the Dog

guess who's title has nothing to do with her blog?

it's me!

actually i just have to remember to feed the dog at some point in the near future because strangely enough living things need nutrients.

this blog will contain two things:

firstly, i want blueskies to come to australia so let's all tell him to by going here:

also because he's cool you should check out his youtube, i know i don't have a large audience but i'm ganna pretend i do and plug stuff...

secondly, has anyone noticed how arty and poety Holly is? coz she kinda is. she wrote this and i like it :)

you trip
you slip on my tears
but through these disappearing days
I know there will be less shadows when you return
they take my words
im frozen but
the world moves on
without me this time.

it's pretty awesome.

that's all for now

Long Time .. ehh


so i've been gone for ages, we're over it now let's move on.

i've decided i hate long blogs because they're boring to read. i seem to write them a lot so i have a new plan, i will write lots of short posts. you'll probably get about 5 blogs from me tonight so have fun reading them... only problem now is to decide what to write, there's too much!

well, i've been kinda non-computery lately because i couldn't be bothered. my laziness really has risen to a new level of not being bothered to do stuff. so i've been sitting on my bottom watching tv instead. shows that i like include... ok so i didn't actually pay attention to the show at all. i'm very absent minded when i watch tv.

this has been boring and uneventful so i'm ganna stop now.
more will follow.