Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Long Time .. ehh


so i've been gone for ages, we're over it now let's move on.

i've decided i hate long blogs because they're boring to read. i seem to write them a lot so i have a new plan, i will write lots of short posts. you'll probably get about 5 blogs from me tonight so have fun reading them... only problem now is to decide what to write, there's too much!

well, i've been kinda non-computery lately because i couldn't be bothered. my laziness really has risen to a new level of not being bothered to do stuff. so i've been sitting on my bottom watching tv instead. shows that i like include... ok so i didn't actually pay attention to the show at all. i'm very absent minded when i watch tv.

this has been boring and uneventful so i'm ganna stop now.
more will follow.

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