Saturday, January 23, 2010



yeah, we've run out our internet download limit for janurary and i am quite unhappy about it, you may have gathered that. i am currently trying to catch up on my youtube subscriptions (because if i don't i'll have to do it in Februray and that's a school month, bad idea). so, my first (of about 10) video to watch is about one fifth loaded and i've been waiting a while. i know what you're thinking "why don't you go do something else and when you come back it'll be all loaded for you?" to answer that i will give you an example: yesterday i left a video to load while i gave water to the dog. when i came back the video was loaded so i moved the mouse to wake up the laptop, when i did this it went back to the youtube homepage all by itself. i am so scared it'll do that again i don't dare leave it.

so what will i do? i will write some epic bloggy-ness. oh yes.

i got a new desk a few days ago and in order to make it fit in my room i have to take out my old desk. you may not know this but i am a master of hiding my crap. there was a lot of it on my desk. so i filled our whole living room with it and we moved everything around and now it's all pretty. i still have to clean up half the living room crap though, i cleaned up some of it by putting it in boxes and i plan to sell some of it but the rest i have to find a home for, joy.

i think that's enough for this post, you know how i hate long blogs, i'll write another don't you fear.

farewell for now my friends

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