Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years and That...

so... i thought that i'd tell you some of my favourite things about 2009 now that it's (just) over. i like to reflect on my year, in 2008 i talked to alex on msn all night and this year i talked to maddi a bit but i didn't get to do the whole year so i'll do that now. for reasons of remember-ation i'm ganna do it in terms:

before term 1: going to Canberra and going to the mogo zoo and beaches and stuff with my family.

term 1: camp - although i didn't like the walking i did like hanging out with people from school and talking to everyone

term 2: discovering nerdfighters! watching all the videos! meeting john! yay!

my birthday, i got my phone (from mum/dad) and platinum (from ruby) and we ate pizza for dinner and looked at my t-shirts :)

term 3: awesome sunny day ( it was august 28th)

term 4: halloween party

saw tripod with maddi

after term 4: built a fort

saw all my friends for christmas at ruby's.

i know this won't all make sense to everyone but i just wanted to go through it. tell me what your year highlights have been! yay! cya later everyone have a good 2010.

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