Saturday, January 23, 2010

i have a corkboard now

next one

so, i just realised that my friends(you) don't do the whole rss feed thing so i'm going to have to advertise this on twitter and facebook maybe. they are ganna take ages to load too. the pain is imense my friends. (no, i can't spell and i have no internet to look it up right now).

i've read a little bit of Electra, it's a greek play. i've only read the first couple of pages but i've decided that i don't like Electra, she's whiny and annoying. so there's my review, i'll let you know if i change my mind.

i've actually run out of material for this blog but the video is only about a quarter loaded and i have loads more to watch after that too so i will comtnue to type, if only to improve my typing skills.

while cleaning i realised i have waaaaayyyyy to much jewelry. i have four jewelry boxes on my book shelf and a necklace hanging thingy and earing trees (2) i just have too much. nobody get my jewelry.

i just watched December Boys. it was sad. also a little weird but i liked it. who am i to critisze weird? haha.

i really need human contact soon. gahhhhhhhh

end post 2

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