Saturday, January 23, 2010

one down

i have successfully watched one video! yay! it's been a while though...

i actually can't be bothered to write this at all. i'm hungry. we ran out of bread so i couldn't have toast this morning. i tried to have lunch but failed because i didn't want what i made... i didn't realise til after i made it.

i wanna go boil some pasta because i love pasta but i don't wanna leave the laptop unattended. sad.

well, at least i have some spirit music playing, that's always good. "you can't take me, i'm freee!" awww it's so cool.

i really don't care about this post. it's very crap. i think it's because i'm tired, i don't know why though coz i slept for like 14 hours last night. sdbjfjhakbvdfjhVWDK

i'm going to make some pasta now.


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