Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Brief Update (and some other stuff probably... BUSY)

i greet thee,

i would really like to put some more of my story here for you to read now.... but, i have a problem. there are bits in what i've written that are highlighted, they are the parts that need to be edited. i cannot copy and paste any more of the story without editing it and frankly, i don't have the time right now.

i have school and homework and moving to do so i apologize for that.

next item, i think i may use this for telling people about things that happen in my life as well as things that happen in my head because i have considerabley less articulate thoughts than i previously ... thought.

alright, this is a short entry because i need to go to bed soon and still have maths homework and reading to do... busy busy BUSY!

ohhhh by the way we're moving tomorrow now, not today, it got postponed. i'm a bit worried. we'll see how it goes.

i can't put the new little thing here now because we're already back at school, i've told you when we're moving and i'm not listening to any music... sorry

ttfn (ta ta for now, i was saying that in a sarcastic way, i'm not an acronim type person, except cool ones like dftba)

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