welcome back to reading stuff.. that didn't make much sense, my mind doesn't work well when i'm ill. anyway, what i meant was, i have interent back now so you'll be able to read stuff here again. or for the first time if you havn't read it before
anyway enough prefix let's get to the guts of my post.
if you look at the title you'll see a bunch of letters, they may at first appear to be just a random bunch of capitolised squiggles, they may even at second glance seem the same but with my explaination (which will follow) you will soon see them as something that makes sense. more sense than me at the moment anyway.
ENFJ is my personality type, it's from a psychological quiz, i'm not sure what it's called. it's cool because it says stuff about the personality types that relate to me very well. for example;
"ENFJs learn best in structured situations in which they are able to talk bout the lesson and interact with their peers. Because they want their teachers to be pleased with them, they attempt to be model students. They are willing to do what is required in order to become personally recognized by their teachers. Because they take criticism personally, they can either be wounded by it or be willing to redouble their efforts in order to change the criticism. ENFJs enjoy classes that have subject matter relating to people, their needs, their aspirations, and their characterizations. Many ENFJs choose the liberal arts because it gives them an opportunity to more fully explore humanity."
...it's kinda very true about me. don't get me wrong some of it is completely not me but the majority is accurite or close to. as i read it all i realised things about myself because i was comparing what the webpage said to how i think and act. one of the main things it said about my personality type is that i have AMAZING interpersonal skills. like seriously, i am the super person talker to-er and i can make ANYONE like me. then my brain said to me (here it goes again... talking) "you do make friends easily and people usually like you"
and i said back to it "but... that makes me sound a bit full of myself"
then my brain replied "i'm your brain, i don't care, also it's just the truth. you do make friends easily, and understand people"
"cool" i said "it is true isn't it. i like it"
so that was a lovely thing to realise.
here's an extra for you (it's the reason i wanted to write this but it wasn't enough for a whole post) quote from a webpage (take note of the bold words):
"When commitments are broken, ENFJs become upset because they see the breakup as a personal reflection on them and because they have idealized the relationship."
"ENFJ's are especially vulnerable to idealizing interpersonal relationships"does this remind you of anything? no? well it reminds me of that post i wrote about how i idolised my friends... very similar don't you think? bit creepy.
i've been discribed as "the teacher" "the giver" (haha) and "the sage" so far... they're not as cool as alex's mastermind (i told you she was cool) but i like it, it makes me feel like i help people, which i like to do (not only in text either). so i'm smiling, i do that a lot, possitivity rules you know.
that's all, hope you could understand this because i don't think it particularly coherent. sorry. byebye
p.s. my back really hurts today, everyone who reads this should say "awwwww" in comments
Haha, Steph's the Giver.
ReplyDeleteThe personality letters are no more random than the letters in our DNA: A, G, T and C.
And isn't ENFJ one of the common personality types? Certainly the one that makes the world go round.
i think the personality test are really cool. i did another one after i wrote this.. called the enneagram test i think. i got type 7. it sounds a lot like me really so i think that one works better for me