hello my friends,
let's look at this video together:
ok now that we've all seen that i think we can discuss it. i like to think, i really really do which makes this appeal to me a lot. psychology and biology and such are very interesting to me. i think this video has a great deal of truth in it, or at least plausable ideas, i know i agree with most of it.
one thing that i didn't think was right was when he talks about love being a rationalisation for sex. i am aware that i may just be romanticizing things, which i am prone to do being a writer and a teenage girl, but i feel that love something of it's own.
i agree more with this comment than with the video...
morgotastic (17 minutes ago) Show Hide
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i was just studying anthro so here i go-i don't think that love is a purely cultural thing or that love is something created to stop ourselves from always having sex. Its common to all humans, meaning its a naturally selected behavioral trait.hominids differ from apes in mating especially we mate one female to male and live in groups. I think bonding (ie love) was a behavioral adaptation to prevent having sex with other members of the group and prevent interbreeding. that just what i think..
these are just my thoughts on the matter. of course if you didn't bother to watch the video at the start you'll have no idea what i'm talking about. i think i'll leave it there.
just one last thing from me, be proud to be an animal.
okay... you're too smart, I just sang along! alice xx