Monday, October 5, 2009

My Book! (contains brother tricking and computers)... p.s. braces

hey guyss,

tomorrow i go back to school so i'll probably post on here much less often (which will probably be a blessing for you) so i thought today i'd give you some wonderfully amazing stuff to tide you over.

this is the start of a novel i wrote half of last year. it's not edited properly or anything so i'm sorry for any mistakes i might have made and i haven't looked at it for a while so it might have weird style changes and nonsensical bits, again, i apologize.

here we go then... at the moment it's called 10 reasons you should read this book and each chapter is one reason.. i like it, do you?

Reason #1: because it’s incredibly funny and you should always laugh at least once a day!

‘Gabby Green.’ Mum screamed at me down the hallway. We were supposed to be going to Melbourne that day, Saturday to be precise, but why waste your weekend with all that driving? I didn’t understand my parents sometimes.
‘I’m coming mum’ I went running to her. Her face was disappointed and a little suspicious. I tried to think what I’d done...nope nothing came to mind (not that it meant I didn’t do anything).
‘The cars broken down, sweetie. We won’t be able to go to Melbourne, maybe next week?’
‘Ah, yea mum, maybe.’ That’s what came out my mouth. Here’s what you would have heard in my head: ‘yahoo Yay, party!’ and then a conga line of my brain cells started and there were chips and soft drink and... Well enough living in fantasy land.
Now I had time free to, um, to...... well not go to Melbourne. It took me 2 minutes of seriously strenuous thinking to come up with playing computer games. Just one problem: Jared. My older brother Jared (who’s 16 now) is always online! The only way to get onto the computer was to be sneaky and deceitful (which is ok with brothers).
‘Hey Jared, I found chocolate!’ that did it he was out of the swivel chair and into the kitchen like lightning. Now the race was on. I had to beat him to the computer. The atmosphere was tense, Jared realised he’d been tricked. You know how in those western movies the guys look at each other and make faces just before they try to kill each other. We did that. And then... I moved, and it was on! Jared was quick out of his gate too. It was close, too close. I’ll have to make a dive I thought, so I leapt, ever so gracefully, into the air, using Jared as a spring and landed flat on my belly on the computer chair. Jared knew he had lost but I felt like rubbing it in so I said ‘ha ha you lost!’
You should have seen the look he gave me then. I know it sounds cliché but seriously if looks could kill I would be dead and you would be very lucky this is a book not a movie! He was going to get me back for it but I had plenty of time later to worry about that, now the computer.

so hopefully you enjoyed that. i might be back soon (probably since this is really good way of procrastination). yeah....

news of the day: my braces were taken off! yay!
days til school goes back: .5
days til we move: 1.5
music in my ears now: one week-bare naked ladies


p.s. i would like to know your thoughts about my writing and stuff.. please? i like feedback :)

p.p.s. retainers are annoying


  1. very good writing stephie... you should dedicate the book to all the giraffes in the world... and me:D
    alice xx

  2. Loved the scene about Jared and the swivel chair.

    Your heroine has a natural voice.

    What computer games does she enjoy playing?

    Like the way the first chapter breaks the fourth wall.

  3. thank you for nice-ness :)umm it's not very well developed yet... the characters don't have much personality sorry
