today i'm here to talk to you about events in my life, which isn't a common occurence here but for today i think we'll let that slide.
we're moving house in a few days, it's not to a totally new location, just a new part of the same area, into a rental. as you could expect in this situation, we've been packing lots.
my room has just been packed up, literally in the last 3 hours. it's very empty and it feels weird to go into a room that no longer looks like i live in it. i have a very crowded way of living, i'm constantly complaining that i need more space but the reality is, if i had more space i would find a way of filling it because i like to have my things near me.
the exact opposite of that is the days before you move. all my toys and books and decorations are boxed up and i don't have any chargers, so my phone might die, same with my ipod and my nintendo ds. this would be tragic, yes.
i find it strange though, how you can live without things you used to think you needed. last week our computer was brocken so we didn't have it for a while. i would've always said i couldn't live without the computer but when i didn't have it i found that it wasn't quite as bad as i'd expected. i did have a little bit of interent on my phone but severly less than i would normally have.
on a completely different note, we will be able to get our stuff out of storage soon! we're actually moving to a bigger house (not a lot bigger though) so we get some of our stuff back. i'm especially excited about getting out the saxophone, keyboard and violin. i've recently become more interested in music and particularly in learning to play something. i have all theses instruments but nobody in our house actually knows how to play them properly. i have a friend lined up to teach me saxaphone and i'm hoping that i'll be able to teach the other to myself. YAY!
overall feeling: happy
days 'til school goes back: 1.5
days 'til we move: 2.5
song in my ears: blink-chameleon circut
ok byebye now
p.s. i really like the little thing up there ^ what do you think of it?
p.p.s. i keep forgetting to ask questions, i've given you one today :) please make me happy and answer it (and comment on anything you like or dislike in this post)
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